oh my dears. We are getting flushed with peas and Mixed
Greens. Today we harvested 192lbs of snap peas and 35 lbs of shell peas
and 59lbs of Mixed Greens. We sold 35 lbs of the Mixed Greens and are
expecting to sell 126 lbs of the snap peas. We didn't even harvest two
trellises. I hired some of our friends and Brigid to help harvest the
So, if any of you want to get snap peas for freezing. (You blanch/ steam them until they change to a dark green color , cool them off and freeze them). We sell them $3/lb wholesale or $2/lb if you pick your own at the farm. Otherwise we let them hang and save seed for next year. I will bring some extras for market if you want a few more handfuls.
Talking about freezing: we need more quart yogurt
containers, preferably Stoneyfield or Harthorn Valley. Can you bring us
some when you pick up your boxes?
The gardens are looking
fantastic. The potatoes are kicking in and grew a foot last week, ready
for second hilling. Fall carrots are sprouting nicely and the beans are
about to flash their purple flowers. Zucchini and cucumbers are
flowering and how about those tender beets you are getting in your
boxes. You can steam the leaves like spinach or chard. I will
attach our favorite sesamy dressing for the steamed beet greens.
On the wildlife. The woodchuck family of four so far has been
successfully moved to a new place and I hope they don't get hassled by other
Kira just came ruunning from the gardens and announced
that there was a deer in the gardens again. ( they like the
beets). She helped me herd it out with just the right timing of
clapping hands and backing off when it needed space to find the open
gate. I guess I have to check the fence where they get in.
ducks are still sitting on the eggs.
The guinea pigs don't want to
come in at night and play hide and seek with us until they feel sorry for us
or we give up.
This is all for now I am ready to go home and sit on
my nice cushy couch.
Don't forget:
Garlic Festival Saturday 9am-6pm and Sunday nine am til done,
call for afternoon 386 4852. I hope to see you.
peace, Dulli
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