the week is almost done and I am ready for the weekend. We had a wonderful and very busy long garlic fest weekend last week. Thank you all for coming and helping. We got all the garlic pulled on Saturday. We had great food!! and when the rainstorm hit we showed slides from our Europe trip. Peeling and hanging ended Sunday 6.30pm and then we went swimming ! ah, that felt good. It is always amazing to see you come on your weekend and roll up your sleeves and get the job done. The barn is filled with garlic smell and it is selling fast.
(I was going t put some garlic photos in here, but Steve took the stick to Florida where he and Kira are visiting family) Photos are coming soon.
Due to the continuing dry weather we are watering everything. Today I put the soaker hoses on the potato hills and let them run 1 hour each row. We usually do not water potatoes. I am glad we invested into irrigation for the past 15 years and have almost everything hooked up to some water. Now I just have to make time to use it.
We had a few woodchucks who just loved our salad bar. They were so bolt to eat in day time right next to us harvesting 15' away. We got the live trap out and the wood chuck taxi took them away. They chattered their teeth at me and held on for dear live when I shook them out of the trap and wished them a happy live. But of course life will not be as good as in the Birdsfoot gardens. We are hoping the next crop of lettuce will grow fast enough so we don't have to skip a week of lettuce.
Zucchini: We have a lot of zucchini right now and they are almost all perfect. Today the cooler was so full of zucchini that we could barely get anything else in. We donated 80lbs to the church dinner, Renewal House and the Community Church food bank. We sold a few to the local accounts and 100lbs will go downstate. What was I thinking to plant so many? We have 38lbs a day if we don't water and 86lbs if we water. Guess who we are not watering? So here are some zucchini recipes for you and I hope you do your best to help and take some of the extras.
and add herbs like rosemary or thyme or oregano after the grilling so the herbs do not fall on the grill. I don't have a grill to try it, but it sounds yummy.
Potatoes: We tried harvesting potatoes today and only got one small potato per plant. (So we started watering potatoes) You will have to wait a while longer before yo see potatoes in your box. Tomatoes are starting to come in and don't quite make it past the Birdsfooters yet. There will be lots of apples this year.
We spent the past two days all day weeding little 0-1" carrot plants in the mid of 4-6" weeds. A tidies chore. I saw rows of carrots (weeded) when I went to bed last night. All done, onto winter beets. At least their little stems are purple and easier to see. Overall the gardens are weeded as never before. Please come and take a walk if you are in the neighborhood.
Enjoy those great summer days,
peace, Dulli