Happy Spring,
Equinox has come and the past sunny warmer days have lifted the high spirits even higher. I am ready for action! This past week I got the starter from the tractor fixed and charged the battery. Let's see if Joan Deere will start? Is she ready too? The starter was a bear to get in in out, no easy to get to with the wrenches.
I will wait this next snow and then let down the sides of the high tunnel, which are tied rolled up at the top like a sail for the winter. That is always a big day, hoping the wind does not pick up until it is all screwed down. The battens have rotted in just three years and I am going to plastic ones as much as I don't like plastic to ensure good tie down. We want a warm sunny day for the big high tunnel plastic cover to stretch it tight while warm so there will be no slack later.
We are looking for new members. Ask your neighbors, family, your friend and co workers and get a $50 discount on your CSA for finding a new CSA member! Sign up yourself before March 31 and save $10 on your share.
I hope you are doing well and can think of all the yummy veggies to come.
peace, Dulli