It is Tuesday morning and normally I would be packing the van to go to market, but as we have not much to sell we will only come in for the CSA and if you pick up at noon, we go home. But we had such challenges with the wood chucks the past three weeks. They had been eating about two 150'x4' beds of mixed greens after we weeded them for hours. No covering with row covers or netting helps, they crawl right under it. The trap caught the big one and the young ones, teenagers know about traps now and go around them. They also ate the carrots and dill. In the mean time we are busy planting all the things needing to go into the ground and trying to keep up with watering. The older spinach bolted, the new is not growing fast, needs more water and weeding, on the list. We have lettuce for you this week, not sure about next, not much for market.
Then I don't really have reasons to complain, I have a community and family a house, a farm, peace and health,and so much more. Again I am trying to see the bigger picture and what I am tested for.
On a good note, the peas are filling in and we should have some by Friday. Garlic scallions will be changed to garlic scapes. The zucchinis are flowering like crazy, but from last years experience where it took another three weeks before they made fruit, I don;t want to promise them too soon, but maybe? The high-tunnel tomatoes are setting fruit and need tying up.
As CSA members you are in this with me. I am confident that we can make up any shortages now in future weeks, just forgive me if we have less for now. Your smiles and happiness about the food keep me going.
peace, Dulli
p.s. we are planning to have scheduled two hour slots for garlic festival to not have too many people come at once and no food, some treats to make it as safe as possible with large distancing outside.
p.p.s. I found the camera hanging on the coat rack.