it is March, it is cold, 10 F (-14C) last night. I am sitting in the warm Hugging House watching the squirrels raid the bird feeder. We had a cozy morning, I milked the cow, brushed the cows and they stretch their necks in bliss to get more. Every other day I throw down 4 hay bales from the hay loft for the next two days; if it is warm I use the hose to fill their water container, if it is cold I carry four 5 gallon buckets from the frost free water sprigged in the greenhouse, next to the cow barn to fill it and stuff some hay around it to keep the water from freezing too fast. Then I open the door and the cows go outside and stand in the sunshine. If they see us walking on the side of the road to go to the school where we start our ski trail Goldie will moo.
Here are some winter activities. We are lucky to be a group together in this pandemic, always something going on: skiing , sledding, games, movie nights, meetings, committee meetings and eating dinners together.
You may wonder what we farmers do in the winter and CSA members Glenda and Don send me this poem they found and it just about sums it up.
He Knows No Winter
By Sudie Stuart Hager
“He knows no winter, he who loves the soil,
For, stormy days, when he is free from toil,
He plans his summer crops, selects his seeds
From bright-paged catalogues for garden needs.
When looking out upon frost-silvered fields,
He visualizes autumn's golden yields;
He sees in snow and sleet and icy rain
Precious moisture for his early grain;
He hears spring-heralds in the storm's ' turmoil
He knows no winter, he who loves the soil."
Artist Gary Bunt
Glenda also wrote the following kind words, in case you are still thinking weather to sign up for another season:
" I so appreciated our weekly boxes this past summer! Fresh produce and no need to shop at the grocery store for our favorite foods."
Also check out our online market at the Birdsfoot website: www/
After a year (we are trying out own programming to not have to buy into a costly online store front) of figuring it out you can now order online and pay with PayPal or cash on receiving the goodies. I am coming through Canton and Potsdam every other week for deliveries (add $2) or you can pick up at the farm.
Attached is the new 2021 CSA sign up sheet and bonus buck application for low income subsidy.
I hope you are all staying warm and safe, I am waiting my turn for the covid vaccine.