this is the last letter for the Summer- CSA. Check the Winter-share program if you are interested. I want to give you a big warm Thank You for your loyalty and support.
When I went to market yesterday I got there late, because Phil who usually helps to pack and do last minute harvest before market, has started another job to help him through winter expenses, when there is no farm work. So I came to market late, and a customer was waiting to by potatoes," our potatoes are the best", she said.(they are). I noticed tat I had forgotten the potatoes, the arugula and the tablecloth, so I suggested that she could watch the stand for me while I drive back to the farm to get them. At first she was a little apalled that I asked her to watch the stand but than she agreed. When I came back she said she didn't have a single sale and I said "that's October at the farmers market, cold and low sales". She had packed two grocery bags of veggies and bought them ( I had given her some potatoes for the service) .
This is where you come in strong, every week you take your veggies, cold, rainy weather or not. Thank you!
It's duck weather again. Just last week I thought it never turns fall and now it's all rain. We managed to plant the firs 2500 garlic, 10,000 more to go. It is too wet to plant, so may be we dig parsnips instead.
I am a little sad, because my nephew Kevin left on Sunday, back to Germany. He was with us for five weeks and helped out a little in the garden. It was just great to have family , someone to speak German to and I loved getting to know him better. I have to think about booking tickets for Germany in February.
I hope you enjoyed the Mixed Salad Greens . We have a lot right now and give them out as a treat.