it is November already and we are cruising in the gardens. We got all the garlic in the ground. Last week we planted 16,500 cloves in tank tops and bare feet. I have a few more broken up, but we will eat those, so Steve does not rebel against a never ending harvest next year. I am planning to hire a crew to harvest the extra 4000 on Friday before the garlic festival, so the festival can stay fun and not get stressful. Seba said, he might bring in his band to do it. And they would be playing at the festival for us.
We got all the carrots out and it looks like I can give out more than a pound per pick up for the winter share, depending on how many of you sign up. We have plenty of everything else. Next Tuesday is first pick up and we are ready. It has been nice to have two weeks to focus on just harvest without going to market or packing boxes. The carrots grew a lot in those two weeks, so don't be surprised.
Yesterday I helped Christoff to pick up a wagon load of rocks from various piles collected in the garden. He is building a rocket stove in the new house. That is a stove built with a lot of thermo mass (rocks and cob) If you want to see it happening, visit this weekend or after. It's going to be massive and fun.
I am off for another day of gardens, beets and parsnips today, may be some celeriac?
be well, Dulli