you have not heard from me in a long while. It has been an emotional time with Steve's mom in and out of the hospital, Steve having his appendix out ( fortunately on a Saturday) and my aunt Puddi in Germany terminally ill with cancer. We got the garlic out in late July, just hung what did not get peeled. We had a wonderful crew digging and peeling and painting for two days, thank you, thank you !!!.
The gardens are looking good and are enjoying this mornings rain. Unfortunately all the broccoli leaves got harvested as collards and the broccoli also has been eaten by woodchucks I think. I hope the cabbage will make it for winter, the kale is coming along. The tomatoes are so delicious. I had the first on the night before I went to Germany and was wow, that is what I waited for for so many month and now I am leaving, but coming back there are lots of yummy tomatoes here.
We just started the second planting of green beans and harvested 117lb yesterday. If you want any for freezing, we offer bulk beans 5lb for $12.50 or 10lb for $20. Let me know, they are tender young fresh beans.
I hope you are doing well,
peace, Dulli