another day of showers. Too wet for tractor use. We managed to till with the Blaubaer (blue-bear) BCS-walk behind tractor to till the dryer top field. It is called bear because it is a bear to lift up for turning at the end of the field. We de-grassed and raked it with the rain starting to fall and planted into spinach and beets. Ray had to hold a raincoat over the planter for changing seeds and varieties. There will be spinach and beets. The Mixed Greens, planted last week are starting to sprout. We are down to planting peas for the first round and I will hand dig the rows today. Carrots and cilantro were also hand dug and planted in the high-tunnel before the tomatoes and cukes go in. They will co-habitat for a month or so before carrot harvest.
Anyways, I am happy to be outside and planting. It has been a regular, but long enough winter and I was itching to get going. I got the hair cut short to not be in the way, the tractor got a new radiator to not overheat anymore and all machinery has had its check up. Soon we will get the new tall axle walk behind David Bradley from 1950's going. I will allow mechanical weeding in taller crops.
Carol the cow is in the process of drying off. That means we stopped milking her two month before calving to have energy to put into growing the calf till the end of June. We are feeding her poor hay and straw with the occasional apple to slow down milk production and she is moping about that. Her udder is full, but not bursting. If any of you ever stopped nursing you know the feeling. This gives me more time for the gardens, no more cheese making or milking and we still get to cuddle and hang out. She very keenly observes anything going on in her view of the gardens.
We still have 40lbs of large beets in great shape, perfect for grading into salad. If you are a beet lover and want some 5lb/$10 let me know. They will keep in your fridge till you eat them.
peace, Dulli