I hope you all made it through the winter that was fairly mild here.
We have been back from Germany for almost two weeks and I have fully arrived in mind. One of the highlights was to go to a huge indoor climbing wall with all my nice and nephews. I made it up four times 45', not bad for being out of shape and never having climbed before. They cheered me on and I made it .
Carol the cow is on a once a day milking schedule and the creamy milk makes most delicious butter and cheese for us. We can see the calf moving inside and she loves her apples that came out of storage and are going soft. She is shedding her winter fur and together with the first geese, robins and red wing blackbirds spring is on its way. I cherish these last few days of peace and quiet sitting in my cozy house planning the gardens, doing the taxes and sorting the coming in seeds.
There will be a Jazz concert at MC Duffs in Potsdam on March 24th from 8-10pm. Seba and friends from Boston and Burlington will play some new, some known jazz. This is going to be a treat.
We had to raise our CSA prices to make up for the higher minimum wage of $9,75/hr and the many extra veggies we were giving out last year. We are assuming we will have another abundant harvest. I hope you are up for another year of fresh organic locally grown veggies that give meaningful work to four seasonal hired farmers. So far I have two people interested to garden this season and I usually find the other two through out the season. Garden Share offers the bonus bucks program to cover 1/2 of a share for low income people.
If you sign up before the end of the month you can get a $10 early bird discount. I am itching to get back out to the gardens and grow, grow grow.
peace, Dulli