Originally I had planned a pick up this week and one next week to make it 7 pick ups. Since we started the winter CSA later all got pushed back. I would like to combine this and next weeks veggies all today, so I don't have to do a delivery the day before I go to Germany when Seba is visiting from Boston.
I finished the seed orders for now ($1700), got the payroll taxes done and the bookkeeping almost balanced. This week is certification papers, deliveries and the NOFA conference. I am hoping to go to workshops on mechanical weed control and food processing (commercial kitchen). Cooperative Extension has a new commercial kitchen that can be rented out by farmers to make pesto or freeze veggies. We are so busy freezing and canning for the Birdsfoot crowd for the winter food, but there is an itch in me to check the commercial processing scene out, in case I get stuck with with 20lbs of basil.....It will be so fun to see hundreds of NY organic farmers and talk farming all day. I miss that in the winter month. I guess, I am almost ready to plant and start the new season. Germany first!
So, thank you for eating Birdsfoot veggies. If you have any comments on how to do better, let me know. There is a movie by Michael Pollan and discussion at the UU-church in Canton on February 12th at 4pm. Some food for thought.
Peace, Dulli