my computer was crashed for the past three weeks and I got a new hard drive and I am working on getting all my e-mail addresses back in order. Mostly I am planting peas and lettuce and beets and spinach and don't give the computer much time. My friend Ellie is coming to help me.
So much has happened, I handwrote a newsletter three weeks ago that I never sent and now there is so much new stuff to talk about.
Ace has started working. He is friends with Emlyn next door and the farm and came from Vermont . He is in his twenties, strong, mechanically inclined and curious to learn all that is to know about organic farming.
We spent days fixing the deer fence and gates around the gardens. This needs to happen every spring as more of the 200 10'posts rot at the base and we pound in 8' t-posts next to them and tie them to the old wooden post to hold them up. Every year we have to replace about 20 of them. The gates suffer from frost heave and the latches don't line up or they sag or.... you get the idea.
Today we planted the first peas! The field has a hard time drying up with all the intermittent rain and we do a lot of hand work to get any grass out. I am ready to eat some fresh peas. Well, we have first nettles and water-weed for fresh greens. I planted peas till 5.30pm and then rushed in to cook dinner for all and had a North Country Grown meeting at 7pm, a bit stressful. Steve and Kira are out of town on a school trip and I can linger late in the Main-house writing this newsletter and finishing up the last few dishes.

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