I just got back from a week of vacation near Ocean City on the ocean with Steve's family. His dad turned 90 years old, what an inspiration. I had a good time playing games, catching up on family, napping and of course swimming in the big waves with dolphins and pelicans near by. I came back all rested , harvested zucchinis, made cheese and got ready for my family from Germany who came on Monday. Fortunately we did not have a lot of beans to pick and harvest was done a 2pm, just in time to go and get them from the airport. You might meet them at the farmers market in Canton.
So, what else is new? We have plenty of zucchinis and cucumbers are starting to come on strong. We are in the third planting of beets and they are a abetter variety, sorry about earlier ones. These are Chiogga a red with white inside swirly inside variety.
Two weeks ago we had garlic harvest fest and we got them all out in two days. Thank you all who came and helped and thank you Tom for trying to come. It was a good garlic year with bigger bulbs.
The tractor is down with a flat back tire (huge) due to rusty rims. I am looking for two new back rims on line, so many options, which one is it? We will figure it out.
Here is a recipe for cucumbers:
5-6 little cukes, peeled or not if you don’t mind peelings
2 tbs grated onion
1/4 tsp salt
8 oz cream cheese, softened
A little garlic
Combine cukes and onion in food processor, then drain and put back in processor with remaining ingredients until well blended. Great on crackers or bread!
Bon Appetit!
- By Granit Springs Farm
Off to harvest