it is garlic festival time! Next weekend , July 22/23 we will harvest all our 12,000 garlic plants and hang them. Please come and join us for a fun weekend. We need help to get it all harvested and peeled.
So much happened the past two weeks. Carol had her calf Felix who is running at high speeds through the pasture and tries to nurse while we are milking. So we put a halter on him to tie him up next to Carol while we are milking and he is fine.
The crops are slowly growing. The potatoes are flowering which means they are starting to set tubers. We mulched all the tomatoes and put up a caterpillar tunnel to give them extra warmth. 50 degree nights are just not doing it. Beans are flowering and setting fruit to harvest in a couple of weeks. We caught fife woodchucks so far. I put a life trap by the beans and they have not eaten any since then. May be they are getting the message?
And who would have thought that we ever have to restrict Birdsfooters from eating zucchini! Rob came to the gardens on his cook night and said:" The people are demanding fresh veggies!" So we counted the zucchinis in the field on the plants and when we had enough for the CSA (leaving them to grow another day) he got to harvest fife for us. We added some peas for the stir fry and he was pleased. Appreciate those early zucchinis. The second row that was replanted three times is coming on.
I just planted the last beans tonight and have to get more Mixed Greens in tomorrow. Then it is weeding time. So many weeds to catch up to. If any of you would like a few hours in the gardens and you can not make it to the garlic festival this weekend you could join us in the afternoons for a round of weeding and good conversation.
So far, hope to see you next weekend!