summer has gone and we are harvesting in long sleeves the winter root crops. We will fill your next boxes with some winter squash, cabbage, celeriac,fennel and parsnip. You can see if you would like to sign up for the basic winter share (garlic, potatoes,carrots, onions, beets and cabbage) or for the full share with also parsnips, celeriac and sunchokes.
I will send you the exact price and info for the 14 week winter share when we have harvested the roots and I know how much we have. The roots need more growing time. The potatoes are still lush green plants and the carrots need to catch up from little water this summer. The last planting got a bit out of hand and we got the little kids from Little River School to harvest them all (enthusiastically) in one day to stop them from growing into trees.
The stripy yellow green thing is a Delicata winter squash. Cut in half, remove seeds and steam or bake.
Your summer share will end in two weeks on October 12th for the Friday group and on October 17 for the Tuesday group. Mixed Greens and Extra Leafy shares ended this week, flowers will go until freeze.
There will be a two week break to the end of October and in November we start the winter share on Tuesdays.
I am so delighted that we did not get Late Blight on potatoes and tomatoes. Finally a good year of yummy tomatoes. We have been saving more seed for the next few years, peppers too. Potatoes are between plantings, the one planting got choked by sunchokes and the 400' don't have much in them. ( those suchokes, I had hoped to keep up with them knowing they were a threat, but couldn't)
I had two dear German friends from my college time visiting for ten days and I was in heaven. We baked sourdough bread, and endless hours of picking beans went by fast. I miss them until winter when I will visit them in Germany.
The guinea pigs are fine, though Teacup is limping a bit because we pulled her out of the houseplants that had come in after a summer outside. They are chirping a "helllo" to you.
Steve is camping with the olders from school and Kira and I are having some cozy mother daughter time.
All is well and we still need more yogurt containers