I hope you had a restful week and a good start into the new year. We had a fun party with friends although Seba and Brigid left back to their own life in Boston and Florida.
We played games and had home made Margaritas. I had been sick after getting back from Florida and couldn't take alcohol yet, what a bummer. I am all better and didn't mind laying low for a few days.
I am working on the seed order for the year, going through all the seeds and writing down what is left and how much we used to see what we need. Looking at the seed catalogs gets me all excited. And then packing the veggies for you I had to eat a carrot and it made me happy to eat summer/fall sunshine and rain held in orange.
The farm veggies will be in the Main House kitchen till tonight and then in a labeled barrel next to the freezer in the basement. I can not keep the cooler from freezing anymore.
I have to go so you get your veggies on time.
peace, Dulli