another week of great weather. We are almost done digging the first planting of sunchokes. This weekend a dear found it's way into the garden and was snorting when I walked home in the dark at night. It was eating cabbages! I pulled the netting back over the cabbages and kale and today we harvested all the cabbages, 400lb for Birdsfoot and 750lb for sale. Not bad. My back feels a bit tired from lifting all those bags. SLU students helped a lot. This Friday will be your next pick up and we should still have kale and some tomatoes. I am trying to figure out how to roll up the high tunnel sides all the way to the top for the winter, so I don't have to worry about snow when I am gone.
The solar people have come and started putting 30 panel on the barn roof. We have tried to get this done all year and finally it is happening. As of by next week we should make our own electricity, grid tied, feeding into the grid and taking as needed.