We now offer
- the regular summer share mid June - mid October,
- followed by the Fall share mid October through December14,
- followed by Winter share December 21 through February 15th.
The new prices reflect the $/hr change in payroll and you have the option to give that to the farmer as well if you can.
We are exited to grow for you and have the freshest, healthiest veggies and adventures cooking experiences for you.
I enjoyed my winter at home with community game nights, movie nights, skiing with Steve on the back fields and occasional sledding parties with the neighbors. I also took up running the back fields to stay fit. I miss seeing my family and friends in Germany. I am calling them one by one to get the news.
I am working on getting recipes for next year ahead of time to not get stressed when writing a newsletter in the middle of the season. So I am trying new recipes, so adventures after years of just putting together what we have. Last week we made cabbage rolls and they were a hit. We had the vegan ones with tofu, the dairy free/gluten free ones with lentils and eggs and the egg/cheese/bread ones with home made ricotta. It was quite the production.The cabbages were very large~10lb and had nice large leaves.
Break off and steam in a covered pan over boiling water for 5 minutes:
10-12 well shaped cabbage leaves.
Set them aside to cool while you mix up:
1 cup cooked rice
½ cup minced onion
Cup ground beef or tofu or bread crumbs
4Tbsp.minced parsley
1tsp. dried savory
1 beaten egg
Lay a cabbage leaf on the counter, rib-side out, and put 2-3 tablespoons of filling into it. Fold in the left and right sides of the leaf, and then roll it up. If central ribs are too stiff to roll, trim them back so they are not so thick. Place cabbage rolls in a 9x9-inch pan, seam side down.
When the pan is full, pour over the rolls 2 cups of tomato sauce and ¼ cup Parmesan cheese or other cheese
Bake at 350 degrees F for 40 minutes
Let me know what you think.
peace, Dulli