More snow, another indoor day, maybe I will clean the barn later. That was some ice the past two days! I had only mediocre cramp-on to get to my house and Steve held me the whole way up after I fell twice. On Sunday, I had just sat down to eat dinner after visiting with friends and cooking all day, Patreesha came in and said we should bash the ice of the high tunnel. I had forgotten about that. So we got up and took all the brooms form the main-house and barn and started pushing against the plastic from the inside of the tunnel. We had to hit pretty hard to break the build up ice and it came down with a loud satisfying cash over and over. When we got tired we went back to the main-house and recruited more people to help. Fortunately there was still some home made cheese cake left when we came back to the dinner table.
The transplants are growing and we seeded first broccoli, cauliflower and kale in flats in the greenhouse. Tomorrow we will transplant celeriac. Robert is coming 20hrs/ week and Ian is back from the west coast, ready to help as needed. We are mostly digging sunchokes for sale if there is no snow on the ground. I am eager to plant outside.