I had a wonderful morning, sleeping in, reading in bed until Seba came home from an all nighter after the Canton Prom dance. He brought two friends and we all had breakfast together, which was nice because he usually sleeps in till noon on weekends. Then I came down to the Main house and planted some pansies in memory of my mom, who always got a big box of pansies that I had to fit into our small front and back yard at our house in suburb Hamburg Germany. When I was 10 I had sacrificed my bare pool spot that my 5' inflatable pool had left on the lawn to grow radishes and carrots. We had rhubarb, red currants and a goose berry bush as well in the backyard. I can not complain about small garden space anymore.
Every morninjg when I come down from the Hugging house through the gardens I stop at each new planting, looking if I can spot tiny seedlings coming up yet. And here they were, the first parsnips that I waited for more then three weeks and the cilantro, coming on strong. Last week we planted the last of the peas and the first potatoes. I had to hold back on not planting more peas than the quota, because it is already time to plant the first beans and there is only so many hours we want to spent on picking peas/beans when the time comes. As you can see things are coming right along. As I spend my hours in the gardens getting the endless beds ready to plant I listen to the birds sing. I particular like the squeaky song of the red cardinals and orioles. They sound like the guinea pigs squeaking.
The baby ducks left at four weeks old and almost as big as the adult runner ducks we have. They went to our teacher Emily who wanted ducks so badly. Kira was willing to let them go, because they probably would have gotten eaten by some carnivore Birdsfooter, since they were meat ducks. We had a fun time with them and they were following us all around on the farm, peeping loudly when they couldn't see any human. The runner ducks took an interest in them and sat near them but did not invite them to be with the pack.
So, I will play a bit violin before I have to get to the Sunday chores of cleaning the Main house and cooking dinner for 12 with Steve. I was gardening yesterday. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend
peace, Dulli