this is your last bag of winter veggies for the season. We have extra carrots if you like to stock up you can get them $1.50/lb for 5lb minimum. Also extra garlic for $7/lb.
Canton pick up is inside again, Potsdam inside the Coop sales room. All after 4pm.
I am off tho the NOFA (organic Farming) conference Friday-Sunday and off to Boston/Germany on Wednesday next week. I love gong to the conference and be with like minded farmers. I always learn something new and it is good to see old friends every year. The kitchen crew at the Hilton Hotel always gets a standing applause from the 300+ participants for cooking us good meals with the food from the many farms.
I am enjoying winter and the cold. The cows have frost on their whiskers in the morning and I have to bash their water open. They still like going out into the sun shine. We just got another round of bedding hay from neighbor that is so good that they like eating it. This morning they had opened the gate to get into it and were happily munching when I came with the feed hay.
I am just done with all payroll taxes and seed orders and are onto the grueling of balancing the books for the year. It always works out in the end, just getting there is hard. At least I get to sit in my cozy house where I don't get interrupted by phone calls or people popping in.
This week you are getting certified organic cabbages from Kent Family Farms, because ours were not full enough. I ordered the seeds from a couple years ago in hope they will make full heads this year. We are keeping the basement at 34 degrees in the cold by banking the outside walls with snow. Enjoy this last bag of winter veggies and please return the bags if you can.
Beet Salad
· 4-8 beets
· 3 tbsp oil
· 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
· 2 tbsp chopped parsley
· Pinch of salt
· Chopped walnuts (optional)
1. Steam beets for 40-50minutes, less if they are small and Finely slice the beets .
2. Add the remaining ingredients and refrigerate for an hour.